Psychology Students' Association - Constitution

As Per Monday, February 26th, 2024


11.1 We shall officially be referred to as the “Psychology Students' Association”;

1.1.1 Within this document, the Association shall be referred to as the “Psychology Students' Association” and shall be abbreviated as the “PSA”;

1.2 The PSA shall be represented under the umbrella of the University of Ottawa Students’ Union and is a recognized government thereof;

1.2.1 Within this document, the University of Ottawa Students’ Union shall be abbreviated as “UOSU”;

1.2.2 The PSA shall be considered a recognized government of the UOSU and as such shall be bound by the policies and bylaws stipulated in the UOSU constitution. Where there is overlap, the UOSU constitution will overrule that of the PSA;

1.3 Within this document, “student” or “students” shall refer to any student enrolled in the Honours or Major undergraduate program of Psychology;

1.4 The PSA shall represent all full- and part-time students enrolled in the program of Psychology;

1.5 Membership in the PSA consists of all full-time and part-time undergraduate students enrolled in the program of Psychology;

1.6 Within the terms set out in this document, the PSA is the decision-making and representative body for its members as defined by article 1.5;

1.7 Within this document, the Elected Executive Committee and Directors shall be referred to as “the Executive”.


2.1 The mandate of the PSA is to:

2.1.1 Promote the interests of its members before different bodies including, but not limited to, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the School of Psychology, and the administration of the University of Ottawa;

2.1.2 Encourage students to become involved with their university community (with particular emphasis on active involvement in the affairs of the PSA) and the community at large;

2.1.3 Promote a bilingual environment amongst all students;

2.1.4 Offer information to its members on subjects related to the field of Psychology and to student life;

2.1.5 Promote awareness of career opportunities to its members;

2.1.6 Stimulate dialogue and cooperation between students and the professors from the program;

2.1.7 Promote amongst students a sense of belonging to the PSA and to the School of Psychology;

2.1.8 Become actively involved in campaigns that reflect the values of the PSA students;

2.1.9 Promote fair and equal rights among all students including women; the LGBTQ+ community; students with disabilities; First Nations, Inuit and Metis people; international students; racial and ethnic minorities; and other underrepresented groups and causes;

2.1.10 Oppose the use of inappropriate and/or oppressive language (e.g., “psychos”) in all PSA activities including, but not limited to 101 Week, emails, Psych Wear, etc.;

2.1.11 Consistently maintain a level of integrity and decorum that demonstrates respect and professionalism for both the PSA and its affiliates;

2.1.12 Act independently and autonomously from the UOSU when deemed appropriate by the PSA and the administration of the University of Ottawa.



3.1 The elected Executive Committee of the PSA shall consist of the following ten members:

3.1.1 President

3.1.2 Vice President of Internal Affairs

3.1.3 Vice President of Financial Affairs

3.1.4 Vice President of University Affairs

3.1.5 Vice President of Social Affairs

3.1.6 Vice President of Philanthropy and Activism

3.1.7 Vice President of Communications

3.1.8 Vice President of Equity

3.1.9 Vice President of External Affairs

3.1.10 First Year Representative

3.2 The mandates of all elected Executive members begin on May 1st following the election and end on April 30th of the following year;

3.3 In the case of appointed positions due to a vacancy, mandates will begin at the time of appointment and end the following April 30th;

3.4 The PSA Executive reserves the right to appoint, in exceptional circumstances, an additional Executive with a specified portfolio, subject to ratification by the Executive;

3.5 All Executive members will have voting power;

3.6 Only the President and the Vice President of Financial Affairs may have cheque-signing authority for the PSA unless otherwise voted upon by the current Executive;

3.6.1 Any position that is allocated a budget is prohibited from having signing authority;

3.6.2 When necessary, the Vice President of Internal Affairs can be added on as a tertiary signing authority provided that all transactions are approved by a majority vote of the elected Executive members;

3.7 Only the President and the Vice President of Financial Affairs may have access to the safe for the PSA.


The President

3.7 The President will be responsible for the following:

3.7.1 Acting as the official spokesperson for the PSA;

3.7.2 Promoting a positive image of the PSA;

3.7.3 Managing and assisting with the PSA’s responsibilities;

3.7.4 Planning and completing, with the Vice President of Financial Affairs, a budget for the PSA before the first Friday of July;

3.7.5 Presiding over, preparing the agenda for, and encouraging consensus at Executive meetings;

3.7.6 Representing PSA members at the President Roundtable meetings of the UOSU;

3.7.7 Meeting with the members of the UOSU, Executive members of the UOSU, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Director of the School of Psychology, administrators in the Faculty of Social Sciences, professors, and members as necessary;

3.7.8 Inviting, before September 1st, each of the Vice Presidents to submit their projects for the year in progress, and in turn presenting them to members to encourage involvement in the activities on the PSA;

3.7.9 Ensuring the PSA’s events are inclusive, accessible, and sustainable, to a reasonable extent;

3.7.10 Calling and chairing regular meetings of the Executive;

3.7.11 Chairing the General Assembly, unless otherwise determined by the Executive;

3.7.12 Ensuring that the PSA follows constitutional guidelines;

3.7.13 Being responsible for relations with other student groups on campus including, but not limited to, UOSU clubs and services;

3.7.14 Ensuring that members of the Executive are fulfilling their mandates, as per the constitution, and intervene as necessary;

3.7.15 Assisting with the preparation and execution of 101 Week;

3.7.16 Ensuring promotion campaigns are implemented for all elections, by-elections, and General Assemblies;

3.7.17 Actively recruiting Francophone and Anglophone members for leadership and organizational roles within the PSA;

3.7.18 Ensuring that all events organized by the Executive include a component in the French language and/or take into account Francophone participants;

3.7.19 Presenting a mandate to each executive member, outlining projects for which the member is responsible, and also outlining the expectations they have for the executive during their term;

3.7.20 Developing online initiatives to aid the Executive in the completion of their respective mandates;

3.7.21 Creating any documents to be used outside of the PSA, including, but not limited to, reference letters for Executives, letters to sponsors, and letters of support for various individuals/groups;

3.7.22 Ensuring that they are available to fulfill their mandate during the summer months, including attending meetings in Ottawa;

3.7.23 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term;

3.7.24 Holding a minimum of three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with students, unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

3.7.25 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address;

3.7.26 Meeting with each executive member halfway through each semester to discuss their progress.


Vice President of Internal Affairs

3.8 The Vice President of Internal Affairs will be responsible for the following:

3.8.1 Fulfilling the duties of the President in their absence or when designated, including, but not limited to, acting as the official spokesperson and chairing meetings of the Executive;

3.8.2 When necessary, serve as a proxy at the President Roundtable meetings of the UOSU;

3.8.3 Coordinating the use of PSA resources, and resources external to the association, including, but not limited to, the university, faculty, UOSU rooms, materials, and resources;

3.8.4 Taking care of administrative tasks including, but not limited to, the PSA merchandise orders;

3.8.5 Ensuring the PSA office is running efficiently;

3.8.6 Implementing a time and date for Executive meetings at the beginning of each term;

3.8.7 Developing and maintaining an Executive Office Hours schedule by the second week of the fall and winter terms;

3.8.8 Assuming residual responsibilities not specified in the constitution;

3.8.9 Managing, in concert with the President, the process to appoint PSA Executives for vacant positions and a Chief Electoral Officer. Such nominations are subject to ratification and discussion by the Executive;

3.8.10 Being aware of the structure and functioning of the UOSU and its services, as well as the services offered to students by the University of Ottawa;

3.8.11 Being the liaison between Conventions and Reservations and the Executive. Be responsible for coordinating all room bookings through the VEMS system and for understanding and ensuring the contracts for each room booking are upheld;

3.8.12 Coordinating at least one General Assembly per academic year;

3.8.13 Ensuring that the Constitution of the PSA is kept up-to-date in concert with the President;

3.8.14 Actively recruiting and managing the PSA Volunteers;

3.8.15 Organizing one 101 Week guide appreciation event during the fall term, and one volunteer appreciation at the end of the winter term;

3.8.16 Ensuring that they are available to fulfill their mandate during the summer months, including attending meetings in Ottawa;

3.8.17 Delegating appropriate tasks to the PSA’s volunteer committee;

3.8.18 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term;

3.8.19 Holding a minimum of three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with students, unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

3.8.20 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address.


Vice President of Financial Affairs

3.9 The Vice President of Financial Affairs will be responsible for the following:

3.9.1 The sound management of PSA funds;

3.9.2 Preparing and presenting a PSA financial statement at the first Executive meeting of each month;

3.9.3 Planning, with the President, a budget for the PSA before the first Friday of July;

3.9.4 Representing PSA members at the Money Roundtable meetings of the UOSU;

3.9.5 Demonstrating the financial constraints on the PSA when necessary during Executive meetings;

3.9.6 Upon the event of a contract being signed by another Executive member, ensuring that all clauses have been read and that legal and financial implications have been carefully considered;

3.9.7 Meeting with each member of the Executive on an as-needed basis in order to determine the amount of funds needed for projects;

3.9.8 Knowing the deadline for submitting the financial statements of the PSA to the UOSU Comptroller General for auditing purposes and for being aware of the dates of transfers of student levies from the UOSU to the PSA;

3.9.9 Respecting PSA regulations concerning financial control and the biannual presentation of assets;

3.9.10 Ensuring that the PSA is never in a position of financial deficit;

3.9.11 Ensuring that all PSA financial documents, books, and files are kept up-to-date at all times;

3.9.12 Assisting with the preparation and execution of 101 Week;

3.9.13 Depositing all funds or other valuable effects in the name, and to the credit, of the PSA in a bank designated by the executive, within a period of two weeks after fund acquiescence;

3.9.14 Ensure, in collaboration with the Vice President of Communications, as well as the coordinating Executive member, that the Square Online Store is maintained and updated as needed;

3.9.15 Should the Vice President of Financial Affairs, through reasonable fault of their own, fail to submit the audit by the due date outlined by the UOSU, they will be removed from their position by the PSA Executive;

3.9.16 Presenting the completed audit to the Executive prior to the due date as outlined by the UOSU;

3.9.17 Presenting the 101 Week Budget to the Executive by June 1st in concert with the Vice President of Social Affairs;

3.9.18 Maintaining a scholarship system in concert with the Vice President of University Affairs provided that the PSA budget allows for it. See Clause 3.10.15;

3.9.19 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term;

3.9.20 Holding a minimum of three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with students, unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

3.9.21 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address;

3.9.22 Working with the Director of Finances to make financial decisions, reimbursements and create budgets for all executive members.  


Vice President of University Affairs

3.10 The Vice President of University Affairs will be responsible for the following:

3.10.1 Assisting students with grade reviews, academic appeals, questions related to course selection or programs, and academic problems related to the administration or teaching staff by means of resources and/or support;

3.10.2 Attending a training session of the Student Appeals Centre of the UOSU;

3.10.3 Representing PSA members at the University Affairs Roundtable meetings of the UOSU;

3.10.4 Sitting with the President at departmental meetings when necessary;

3.10.5 Promoting the improvement and development of the Psychology program;

3.10.6 Promoting the creation of courses that respond to the interests of students;

3.10.7 Consulting with members regarding the quality of courses, teaching, and administration within the School of Psychology and the Faculty of Social Sciences by means of annual survey, report, and General Assembly;

3.10.8 Informing students of opportunities for academic exchanges abroad;

3.10.9 Ensuring the PSA offers opportunities to participate in conferences and/or speaker series that reflect the academic interests of its members. This includes, but is not limited to, events hosted by the Faculty of Social Sciences and the School of Psychology;

3.10.10 Acting as the official coordinator for Psychology Week with the support of the rest of the Executive;

3.10.11 Organizing grad photos for graduating students;

3.10.12 Assisting with the preparation and execution of 101 Week;

3.10.13 Organizing one Wine and Cheese event with professors and students per term;

3.10.14 Organizing an orientation meeting during 101 Week for first year Psychology Students in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science programs;

3.10.15 Maintaining a scholarship system in concert with the Vice President of Financial Affairs provided that the PSA budget allows for it; Providing an outline of the scholarship system within the transition report; Implementing the scholarship system in accordance to Article Twelve;

3.10.16 Ensuring that they are available to fulfill their mandate during the summer months, including attending meetings in Ottawa;

3.10.17 Delegating appropriate tasks to PSA’s volunteer committee;

3.10.18 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term;

3.10.19 Holding a minimum of three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with students, unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

3.10.20 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address.

Vice President of Social Affairs

3.11 The Vice President of Social Affairs will be responsible for the following:

3.11.1 Planning and executing 101 Week activities, in collaboration with the 101 Week Coordinator, to welcome new students and encouraging their integration into the university community; Ensure they are fully present and in Ottawa the week preceding and the week of 101 Week; Having contract signing authority pertaining to all 101 Week expenses under directive of the President and Vice President of Financial Affairs;

3.11.2 Proposing social activities for the year in progress before the fall term commences, in order to provide students with opportunities to participate in the planning of these events and to encourage their involvement;

3.11.3 Creating committees and/or appointing project coordinators for specific activities, as necessary;

3.11.4 Representing PSA members at the Social Roundtable meetings of the UOSU;

3.11.5 Working with UOSU Services to ensure PSA events are as accessible, sustainable, and inclusive as possible;

3.11.6 Organizing and carrying out a minimum of three social events for all psychology students per fall and winter terms, respectively. These events include, but are not limited to, 101 Week and the end of the year formal;

3.11.7 Coordinating events with other student associations and the UOSU;

3.11.8 Ensuring that they are available to fulfill their mandate during the summer months, including attending meetings in Ottawa;

3.11.9 Delegating appropriate tasks to the PSA’s volunteer committee;

3.11.10 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term;

3.11.11 Holding at least three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with PSA members, unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

3.11.12 Maintaining correspondence with students by means of their official PSA email address. 

Vice-President of Philanthropy and Activism

3.12 The Vice-President of Philanthropy and Activism will be responsible for the following:

3.12.1 Ensuring the PSA is an active participant in all philanthropic endeavours and campaigns of the UOSU and others as agreed upon by the PSA Executive;

3.12.2 Liaising between the PSA Executive and the UOSU Philanthropic Coordinator on an ongoing basis;

3.12.3 Proposing philanthropic initiatives that reflect the mandate of the PSA;

3.12.4 Proposing activism initiatives that reflect the mandate of the PSA;

3.12.5 Coordinating at least one fundraiser in their term in support of a cause as decided upon by the Executive, separate from UOSU initiatives;

3.12.6 Coordinating at least one activism event, in collaboration with the Vice President of Equity, in their term in support of a cause as decided upon by the Executive;

3.12.7 Representing students at the Philanthropic Roundtable Meetings of the UOSU;

3.12.8 Coordinating, in collaboration with the Vice President of Equity, student participation in all days of action, vigils, and ceremonies of the UOSU and others as agreed upon by the PSA Executive;

3.12.9 Meeting with the UOSU Campaigns Coordinators on an ongoing basis in order to collaborate events and stay updated on campus initiatives;

3.12.10 Organizing and executing all Shinerama initiatives on behalf of the PSA;

3.12.11 Organizing and executing all Relay for Life initiatives on behalf of the PSA;

3.12.12 Promoting all philanthropic endeavors to PSA members;

3.12.13 Ensuring that they are available to fulfill their mandate during the summer months, including attending meetings in Ottawa;

3.12.14 Delegating appropriate tasks to the PSA’s volunteer committee;

3.12.15 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term;

3.12.16 Holding a minimum of three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with students, unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

3.12.17 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address.


Vice President of Communications

3.13 The Vice President of Communications’ responsibilities will consist of the following:

3.13.1 Managing the circulation of information between the Executive and PSA members;

3.13.2 Establishing a communications strategy for the year;

3.13.3 Ensuring that the PSA website is maintained and updated on a regular basis;

3.13.4 Ensuring, in coordination with the Director of Secretarial Affairs, that the minutes from each Executive meeting are posted on the PSA website as soon as they are available;

3.13.5 Updating and maintaining the PSA electronic mailing list and sending out newsletters on a monthly basis;

3.13.6 Working in tandem with the Director of Bilingualism and Translation to ensure all electronic communications are available in both official languages of the University of Ottawa;

3.13.7 Representing PSA members at the Communications Roundtable meetings of the UOSU;

3.13.8 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address;

3.13.9 Proficiency in both official languages of the University of Ottawa;

3.13.10 Obtaining the incoming Psychology Students mailing list for 101 Week purposes;

3.13.11 Sending emails and updating the PSA website in accordance with the deadlines designated by the Executive. Repeatedly failing to do so, through reasonable fault of their own, will result in impeachment;

3.13.12 Ensuring, in collaboration with the Vice President of Financial Affairs, as well as the coordinating Executive member, that the Square Online Store is maintained and updated as needed;

3.13.13 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term;

3.13.14 Holding at least three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with PSA members unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

3.13.15 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address.

Vice President of Equity

3.14 The Vice President of Equity’s responsibilities will consist of the following:

3.14.1 Working with all members of the executive to ensure that PSA events are as inclusive, accessible, and sustainable as possible;

3.14.2 Actively promoting representation of women; LGBTQ+ students; students with disabilities; First Nations, Inuit and Métis people; international students; racial and ethnic minorities, Francophone students and their disadvantaged groups for leadership and organizational roles within the PSA;

3.14.3 Coordinating at least one activism event in their term, in support of a cause as decided upon by the Executive, in collaboration with the Vice President of Philanthropy and Activism;

3.14.4 Working with the Vice Presidents of Social Affairs to plan at least one equity focused event during 101 week;

3.14.5 Making themselves available to marginalized students within the PSA to make sure that their voices are heard and represented;

3.14.6 Proficiency in both official languages of the University of Ottawa;

3.14.7 Attend trainings for equity issues decided upon by the executive;

3.14.8 Holding at least one meeting with the Women’s Resource Centre, Bilingualism Centre, Pride Centre, Centre for Students With Disabilities, International House and other UOSU services at the beginning of their mandate to see how the PSA can work in collaboration with these services;

3.14.9 Proposing equity activities/events/campaigns for the year in progress before the fall semester commences, in order to provide students with opportunities to participate in the planning of these events and to encourage their involvement in equity issues;

3.14.10 Implementing campaigns and programming to educate students on equity issues, amplify historically marginalized voices, and eliminate barriers within the PSA. This includes creating a resource list that students may access for specialized services that can address their specific needs or concerns;

3.14.11 Coordinating, in collaboration with the Vice President of Philanthropy and Activism, student participation in all days of action, vigils, and ceremonies of the UOSU;

3.14.12 Holding at least three office hours per week during the fall and winter semesters, in order to meet with PSA members and students;

3.14.13 Representing PSA members at the Equity Social Roundtable meetings of the UOSU;

3.14.14 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term.

3.14.15 Potential directors should have a comprehensive understanding of the issues related to the mandate. Volunteer experience is considered an asset.

Vice President of External Affairs 

3.15 The Vice President of External Affairs will be responsible for the following: 

3.15.1 Contacting potential sponsors for any PSA related activities (not limited to 101 Week events); 

3.15.2 Sourcing resources to be added onto the PSA website and shared with students; 

3.15.3 Acting as a liaison between PSA existing and future PSA sponsors, to maintain relationship; 

3.15.4 Booking rooms and venue locations beyond the Conventions and Reservations system;

3.15.5 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address;

3.15.6 Attend all Executive Meetings held by the PSA 

3.15.7 Proficiency in both official languages of the University of Ottawa;

3.15.8 Holding at least three office hours per week during the fall and winter semesters, in order to meet with PSA members and students;

3.15.9 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term and meeting with the new elected executive member that will fill their position, even if returning for a second term.

First Year Representative

3.16 The First Year Representative’s responsibilities will consist of the following:

3.16.1 Providing support to other executive members, as required; 

3.16.2 Organizing one yearly event for first year students 

3.16.3 Promoting the PSA’s  purpose, functioning and events through in class presentations and other advocacy activities; 

3.16.4 Introducing first year students to the operations of the PSA 

3.16.5 Having a good understanding of ways to get involved and communicating this to the student population 

3.16.6 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term and meeting with the new elected executive member that will fill their position, even if returning for a second term.

3.16.7 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address;

3.16.8 Proficiency in both official languages of the University of Ottawa;

3.16.9 Holding at least three office hours per week during the fall and winter semesters, in order to meet with PSA members and students;

3.16.10 Attend all weekly executive meetings held by the PSA.


4.1 The elected Director positions are the following:

4.1.1 Director of Marketing and Promotion

4.1.2 Director of Bilingualism and Translation

4.1.3 Director of Secretarial Affairs

4.1.4 Director of Financial Affairs

4.2 The mandates of all elected Directors begin on May 1st following the election and end on April 30th of the following year;

4.3 In the case of appointed positions due to a vacancy, mandates will begin at the time of appointment and end the following April 30th

4.4 All Directors will have voting power;

4.5 The PSA Executive reserves the right to appoint, in exceptional circumstances, an additional Director with a specified portfolio, subject to ratification by the Executive;

4.6 The Executive may dismiss a director by a majority vote if they do not fulfill the duties as outlined by the Constitution;

4.7 Directors must attend all PSA Executive meetings.


Director of Marketing and Promotion

4.8 The Director of Marketing and Promotions’ responsibilities will consist of the following:

4.8.1 Creating and distributing promotional materials for PSA initiatives on an as-needed basis;

4.8.2 Working in tandem with the Director of Bilingualism and Translation, when necessary;

4.8.3 Fostering a sense of community within the Executive and the students under the PSA;

4.8.4 Maintaining the PSA social media (including, but not limited to, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter);

4.8.5 Working closely with the Executive to promote the PSA website and all PSA initiatives;

4.8.6 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, including copies of all materials produced during their mandate, even if returning for a second term;

4.8.7 Holding a minimum of three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with students, unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

4.8.8 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address.


Director of Bilingualism and Translation

4.9 The Director of Bilingualism and Translation’s responsibilities will consist of the following:

4.9.1 Fluency in both official languages of the University of Ottawa in comprehension, oral, and writing;

4.9.2 Ensuring all PSA initiatives reflect both official languages of the University of Ottawa;

4.9.3 Ensuring that all documents released by the PSA are bilingual;

4.9.4 Promoting a bilingual community within the Executive and the students under the PSA;

4.9.5 Being readily available to translate for the members of the Executive; Repeated failure to meet translation deadlines, through reasonable fault of their own, will result in impeachment;

4.9.6 Organizing and executing a Francophone-oriented event in tandem with other members of the Executive;

4.9.7 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term;

4.9.8 Holding at least three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with PSA members unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

4.9.9 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address.


Director of Secretarial Affairs

4.10 The Director of Secretarial Affairs responsibilities will consist of the following:

4.10.1 Fluency in both official languages of the University of Ottawa in comprehension, oral, and writing;

4.10.2 Attend all Executive Team meetings held by the PSA, and take attendance and minutes during meetings;

4.10.3 Sending the meeting minutes to the Vice President of Communications within a timely fashion (within 48 hours);

4.10.4 Work alongside the Director of Bilingualism and Translation in ensuring all initiatives reflect both official languages of the University of Ottawa;

4.10.5 Work alongside the Vice President of Communications to ensure the accurate publications and documentations for the PSA’s website;

4.10.6 Assisting the President and Vice President of Internal Affairs in administrative matters as required, including but not limited to: booking rooms (or virtual links) for meetings, creating polls for team decisions, organizing the Executive Team calendar, and organizing the office hour calendar for all semesters;

4.10.7 Updating the constitution on a regular basis by adding motions that are approved by the Executive Team, or restructuring (renumbering, reorganizing, re-sectioning) sections of the constitution, without changing the meaning and/or wording, in consultation with the Executive Team;

4.10.8 Ensuring transition reports and other important documents are kept in an organized and easily accessible manner;

4.10.9 Repeated failure to meet documentation or task deadlines, through reasonable fault of their own, will result in impeachment;

4.10.10 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term;

4.10.11 Holding at least three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with PSA members unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

4.10.12 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address.

Director of Financial Affairs 

4.11 The Director of Financial Affairs responsibilities will consist of the following:

4.11.1 Attending all Executive Team meetings held by the PSA;

4.11.2 Planning, with the President and Vice President of Financial Affairs, a budget for the PSA before the first Friday of July;

4.11.3 Accompanying the Vice President of Financial Affairs to meet with each member of the Executive on an as-needed basis in order to determine the amount of funds needed for projects;

4.11.4 Respecting PSA regulations concerning financial control and the biannual presentation of assets;

4.11.5 Ensuring with the Vice President of Financial Affairs that all PSA financial documents, books, and files are kept up-to-date at all times;

4.11.6 Assisting with the preparation and execution of 101 Week;

4.11.7 Ensuring, in collaboration with the Vice President of Communications, as well as the coordinating Executive member, that the Square Online Store is maintained and updated as needed;

4.11.8 With the help of the Vice President of Financial Affairs, presenting the 101 Week Budget to the Executive by June 1st in concert with the Vice President of Social Affairs;

4.11.9 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term and meeting with the new elected executive member that will fill their position, even if returning for a second term;

4.11.10 Holding a minimum of three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with students, unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

4.11.11 Working with the Vice President of Financial Affairs to make financial decisions, reimbursements and create budgets for all executive members. 



5.1 A council member is a psychology student that has been elected to sit on the School of Psychology School Council. There are three council members;

5.2 Council members must be elected by PSA members at the same time as the general Executive elections;

5.3 The mandate of the council member’s will begin on September 1st following the election and end on April 30th of the following year;

5.4 Council members’ responsibilities will consist of the following:

5.4.1 At least one council member must be fluent in both official languages of the University of Ottawa in comprehension, oral, and writing;

5.4.2 Required to attend all meetings of the School of Psychology School Council; if they miss more than 3 meetings without just cause, the PSA Executive may intervene;

5.4.3 Council members must be available Thursday afternoons (when School of Psychology Management meetings take place) and/or Friday afternoons (when School of Psychology Council meetings take place) during the Fall semester and Winter semester;

5.4.4 Council members are required to give monthly updates to the PSA Executive at the beginning of each month. If council members cannot attend, they can give a summary to the President;

5.4.5 In the event that a Faculty Council Representative (See Article Six) is not elected, council members will resume the responsibilities of the aforementioned role;

5.4.6 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term;

5.4.7 Holding at least three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with PSA members unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

5.4.8 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address.


6.1 The Faculty Council Representative is a psychology student that has been elected to sit on the Faculty of Social Sciences Council;

6.2 The Faculty Council Representative must be elected by PSA members at the same time as the general Executive elections;

6.3 The mandate of the Faculty Council Representative will begin on September 1st following the election and end on April 30th of the following year;

6.4 The Faculty Council Representative’s responsibilities will consist of the following:

6.4.1 Fluency in both official languages of the University of Ottawa in comprehension, oral, and writing;

6.4.2 Required to attend all meetings of the Faculty of Social Sciences Council; if they miss more than 3 meetings without just cause, the PSA Executive may intervene;

6.4.3 Must be available Friday afternoons (when the Faculty of Social Sciences Council meetings take place) during the Fall semester and Winter semester;

6.4.4 Required to give monthly updates to the PSA Executive at the beginning of each month. If the Faculty Council Representative cannot attend, they can give a summary to the President;

6.4.5 In collaboration with the President, meeting with the members of the UOSU, Executive members of the UOSU, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, administrators in the Faculty of Social Sciences, professors, and members as necessary;

6.4.6 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term;

6.4.7 Holding at least three office hours per week during the fall and winter terms, in order to meet with PSA members unless determined otherwise by the Executive;

6.4.8 Maintaining correspondence with PSA members by means of their official PSA email address.



7.1 The 101 Week Coordinator is a psychology student that has been elected to, in collaboration with the Vice President of Social Affairs, plan, coordinate, and execute PSA’s 101 Week;

7.2 The 101 Week Coordinator must be elected by PSA members at the same time as the general Executive elections;

7.3 The mandate of the 101 Week Coordinator will begin on May 1st following the election and end on the last Saturday of 101 Week;

7.4 The 101 Week Coordinator’s responsibilities will consist of the following:

7.4.1 Ensure they are fully present and in Ottawa the week preceding and the week of 101 Week;

7.4.2 Having contract signing authority pertaining to all 101 Week expenses under directive of the President and Vice President of Financial Affairs;

7.4.3 Working with UOSU Services to ensure 101 Week events are as accessible, sustainable, and inclusive as possible;

7.4.4 Purchase all supplies, materials, and equipment needed for 101 Week;

7.4.5 Collaborate with the Vice President of Internal Affairs and the Director of Secretarial Affairs to book spaces on campus via Conventions and Reservations by July 31st;

7.4.6 Responsible for booking venues outside of the main campus by July 31st;

7.4.7 Collaborating with the Executive to develop a theme;

7.4.8 Prepare and distribute 101 Kits at least one week before the start of 101 Week;

7.4.9 Develop, in collaboration with the UOSU’s Student Life Commissioner, a 101 Week contract;

7.4.10 Develop a schedule for 101 Week that outlines each day’s activities and events, with additional information outlining the requirements and details about the execution of each activity;

7.4.11 Delegate tasks to members of the Executive and the Psych Committee;

7.4.12 Work with the Vice President of Communications and the Director of Marketing and Promotions to create and distribute promotional materials for 101 Week;

7.4.13 Work with the Vice President of University Affairs and Vice President of Equity to plan and execute at least one academic- and equity-based event during 101 Week, respectively;

7.4.14 Work with the Vice President of Philanthropy and Activism to plan and execute Shine Day (the Tuesday of every 101 Week);

7.4.15 Collaborate with members of other Registered Student Governments to plan and execute events;

7.4.16 Attend the Social Roundtable meetings of the UOSU;

7.4.17 Writing a transition report for their successor before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term.


8.1 The Psych Committee is the volunteer team for the PSA;

8.2 The Psych Committee is comprised of psychology students who assist the PSA Executive with the execution and promotion of social, academic, philanthropic, activism, and equity initiatives on an as-needed basis;

8.3 The Psych Committee is to be directed primarily by the Vice President of Internal Affairs, with additional support from other relevant members of the Executive.

8.4 The Psych Committee will be elected via written applications or interviews, as determined by the President and Vice President of Internal Affairs; 

8.5 The mandate of the Psych Committee will begin at the time of their appointment in the second month of the fall semester and end on the last day of the fall semester. A new committee will be selected in January of the following year and end on April 30th; former members can reapply;

8.6 The Psych Committee will write a transition report for their successors before the end of their term, even if returning for a second term.


9.1 Meetings of the Executive shall be held weekly during the fall and winter terms;

9.1.1 The Executive reserves the right to meet as often as it deems necessary and in the manner it deems appropriate;

9.2 During the summer period (May 1st to August 31st), Executive meetings should be held on an as-needed basis;

9.2.1 Members of the Executive who are not residing in Ottawa during the summer period should make an effort to attend meetings online;

9.3 Executive meetings are conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, unless otherwise determined by a majority vote of the PSA Executive;

9.4 An adequate reason must be provided to the President if a member of the Executive fails to attend a meeting;

9.4.1 Failure to present adequate reasons for more than 3 absences during their mandate is justification for impeachment or their consequences deemed appropriate by the President;

9.5 To meet quorum at Executive meetings, the majority of Executive members must be present;

9.6 To the extent that it is feasible, Executive meetings are to be held at a set time and date, to be determined by the Vice President of Internal Affairs at the beginning of each term;

9.7 Executive meetings are open to all PSA students, unless otherwise determined by the Executive. Additionally, minutes will be made available on the PSA website, in both French and English;

9.8 Votes at Executive meetings are taken by a show of hands and are decided by a simple majority, that is to say 50% of eligible voters present and voting plus one;

9.8.1 All members of the Executive have an equal vote on financial and non-financial matters;

9.8.2 Voting will be used when deciding on matters such as sponsorships and spendings of over $2000;

9.9 The President will submit the meeting agenda to the members of the Executive prior to the start of each meeting;

9.10 Anyone intervening at an Executive meeting may do so in English or in French and may request that any verbal intervention or written document presented at the meeting be explained to them in either of these languages;

9.11 Each executive member is individually responsible for implementing Executive decisions and duties assigned to them within the deadline set out at those meetings.


10.1 Motives allowing the instigation of impeachment procedures against a member of the Executive must be among the following:

10.1.1 Mismanagement of PSA funds or assets;

10.1.2 Failure to fulfill constitutional duties without valid reason;

10.1.3 Failure to carry out specific directives adopted at an official Executive meeting without valid reason;

10.1.4 Abuse of power and/or position;

10.1.5 Use of discriminatory and/or oppressive language when representing the PSA;

10.2 The impeachment of an Executive member requires one of the following:

10.2.1 A 2/3 decision made by the Executive to dismiss the member;

10.2.2 The submission of a petition; Signed by 50 members and including the student number of each signatory; The petition must be submitted to the Executive and the parties involved in the complaint;

10.2.3 A vote of two-thirds of members present at a General Assembly. This Assembly must be called within seven business days of the Executive’s receipt of the petition; A quorum of twenty-five PSA members must be obtained for this Assembly to be duly constituted; If a quorum is not reached the impeachment procedure will be withdrawn;

10.3 Any attempt to impeach a member of the Executive must specify the precise events and/or activities justifying impeachment;

10.4 Each party to the impeachment complaint may appeal the decision of the Constitution Committee of the UOSU in accordance with the provisions set out in the UOSU Constitution;

10.5 Once a member has been impeached from the PSA, they are no longer eligible for future positions on the Executive.


11.1 The PSA Elections are subject to Bylaw 11 of the UOSU Constitution;

11.2 The PSA Executive must remain neutral in the office and throughout all official PSA events unless it is a campaign of their own;

11.3 The elections of PSA Executive members must be completed by March 31st;

11.3.1 Elections for the First Year Representative must be completed by October 31st;

11.4 No person campaigning for a position on the PSA Executive may be a scrutinizer;

11.5 No person campaigning for a position on the PSA Executive may assist in the organization or execution of the election;

11.5.1 Should the incumbent Vice-President of Communications decide to re-run for a position on the Executive, they are still responsible for sending out unbiased communications on behalf of the PSA;

11.6 The Executive is responsible for elections promotions that include the following:

11.6.1 Class presentations;

11.6.2 Visual notification of the ongoing campaign, at least one (1) week before the campaign starts, these may include, but are not limited to, posters;

11.6.3 Promotional information distributed electronically through at least two different services/formats; these must include the official PSA website and Facebook.


11.7 The timetable for the elections must be established by the Executive and must include the following points:

11.7.1 The deadline for nominations for the Chief Electoral Officer;

11.7.2 The deadline for nominations for Executive, Director, Council Members, Faculty Council Representative, and 101 Week Coordinator positions;

11.7.3 The deadline to submit electoral platforms;

11.7.4 The dates of the campaign period, which shall span no less than one calendar week;

11.7.5 The date of the candidates’ debate;

11.7.6 The voting dates.

Chief Electoral Officer

11.8 Within this document the Chief Electoral Officer shall be abbreviated as “CEO”;

11.9 The CEO will be determined by simple majority vote of the PSA Executive;

11.9.1 The CEO must be a bilingual student of the University of Ottawa;

11.9.2 The CEO cannot be a student represented under the PSA;

11.10 The CEO is accountable to the Executive for the proper management of the electoral process;

11.11 The PSA Executive can vote to dismiss the CEO for favouring a candidate, not performing their duties as outlined, or demonstrating a lack of respect for electoral procedures;

11.12 All volunteers assisting the CEO during the PSA elections must remain neutral and follow the electoral guidelines;

11.13 The CEO is responsible for:

11.13.1 Announcing and publicizing the elections and the results, as well as all events and deadlines associated with the elections;

11.13.2 Ruling on all questions concerning the organization and the administration of the elections;

11.13.3 Drafting electoral regulations and ensuring that they are respected;

11.13.4 Obtaining and guarding as strictly confidential the official enrolment list of students in the Psychology program for the purpose of identifying valid voters on the date(s) of the election. Only the CEOs, their assistant(s), and the polling officers are authorized to view this list;

11.13.5 Coordinating the counting of ballots directly following the elections;

11.13.6 Disqualifying or penalizing candidates who contravene the rules of the election;

11.13.7 Handing out the official PSA electoral guidelines to all candidates;

11.14 The CEO must act in tandem with the President of the PSA on all matters concerning the election.


11.15 In order to be considered eligible, all requirements must be satisfied:

11.15.1 Candidates must either be in the Honours or Major Psychology program;

11.15.2 All candidates must submit their election form specifying the position selected by the designated deadline; Executive members cannot sign election form;

11.15.3 Candidates cannot form teams or slates nor may they combine resources or technical aid. This includes the sharing of labour or costs;

11.15.4 Candidates and any recognized members of their campaign who make or publish any false statement of fact in relation to the personal character or conduct of a candidate will be disqualified;

11.15.5 Candidates cannot run for more than one position on the Executive in any given election;

11.15.6 Candidates may only run in the election of one Recognized Student Government per term;

11.15.7 A member may not hold the same executive position for more than 2 years, unless voted in during a by-election in the winter term, in which case the remaining time frame will be considered a bye;

11.15.8 All candidates must be registered students for the upcoming term following the elections;

11.15.9 The candidate must not spend more than $50 on their campaign.

The Vote

11.16 Every member of the PSA has one vote that they must exercise in person.

11.17 Each student must present their student card or UPASS at the polling station to receive their ballot;

11.18 The ballot of the CEO must be sealed and opened only in the event of a tie;

11.19 The elections will be conducted by secret ballot;

11.20 Each ballot will be an official document on which the names of the candidates, as they appear on the successfully completed nomination forms, are listed alphabetically from A-Z according to their surnames;

11.21 In the case of there only being one candidate for a position, a vote of confidence will be used in the form of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ being placed next to their name;

11.22 In races with multiple candidates, the candidate receiving the most votes shall be declared elected to the position. In the case of there only being one candidate for a position, the candidate will be declared elected if they receive more ‘yes’ votes than ‘no’ votes.

Ballot Counting

11.23 Ballot counting will be the responsibility of the CEO and their assistant(s);

11.24 Both the ballots and official enrolment lists must not be destroyed until after five business days after the election results have been finalized;

11.25 There will be an automatic recount of the ballots if less than ten ballots separate the elected candidate from their opponent(s);

11.26 The CEO must be present during the official announcement of the election results on the same evening as the ballot counting;

11.27 Any candidate may demand a recount. In order to do so, they must submit a written request to the CEO within two business days of the initial ballot count;

11.28 The CEO must advise all other affected candidates for that particular position before the recount may take place;

11.29 Any member of the PSA may contest election results by submitting a request to the CEO within two business days of the official announcement of the results;


11.30 If a position has not been filled or becomes vacant, the Executive can appoint someone to fill that position by either holding interviews in the summer semester or running a by-election in the fall and winter semesters;

11.31 If a position cannot be filled by a non-elected member, the Executive may, upon unanimous consent, fill the position with an elected member (double position) or leave the position vacant in which case the Executive as a whole becomes responsible for those duties.


12.1 The General Assembly is to be organized by the Vice President of Internal Affairs, unless otherwise determined by the PSA Executive;

12.2 The PSA President chairs the General Assembly, unless otherwise decided by the PSA Executive, and must do so in accordance with the most recent edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order”;

12.3 Quorum is set at 25 PSA members, including members of the Executive;

12.4 The General Assembly must be advertised by the PSA Executive at least one week in advance indicating in both English and French the date, time, and location of the meeting;

12.5 Motions must be submitted 48 hours prior to the General Assembly;

12.6 Votes on motions presented at a General Assembly, except as they pertain to the impeachment of an Executive member, are taken by a show of hands and are decided by a simple majority, which is 50 percent of students present and voting plus one. In the case of a tie, the motion is lost;

12.7 A General Assembly of the PSA must be held prior to the elections taking place in the winter term;

12.8 An emergency meeting of the General Assembly may be called by way of the submission of a petition to the Executive signed by at least 30 members of the PSA;

12.9 The Executive must call a General Assembly within five business days following the submission of such a petition.


13.1 Changes to the PSA Constitution may be done by way of either a majority vote of the Executive, General Assembly, or a referendum question;

13.2 Amendments to the PSA Constitution may be proposed with prior notice at a General Assembly held in accordance with Article 9;

13.3 Amendments proposed by way of a referendum must be announced and advertised at least twenty business days prior to the date of the referendum;

13.4 The UOSU is responsible for appointing a referendum convenor;

13.5 The referendum question will be placed on the ballot with the choice of voting “Yes” or “No” to the question;

13.6 Voting, ballot counting, and the announcement of the referendum results will take place in accordance with the elections rules.

13.7 A simple majority (50 percent of votes cast plus one) is required for a referendum question to pass. In the case of a tie, the motion is lost.


14.1 The Vice President of University Affairs must run the scholarship system in accordance with the following:

14.1.1 They must receive all applications through their PSA email address;

14.1.2 They, along with the President, must screen applications to ensure that no applicant is identifiable in any way;

14.1.3 They should compile all applications and send them to the Scholarship Selection Committee, as selected by the Vice President of University Affairs, President, and Vice President of Financial Affairs, including the PSAÉP Scholarship Grading Scale, as developed by the Vice President of University Affairs, President, and Vice President of Financial Affairs; The PSAÉP Scholarship Grading Scale is not to be released to the public or any members of the Executive who are not the Vice President of University Affairs, President, or Vice President of Financial Affairs; The PSAÉP Scholarship Grading Scale is subject to change under two circumstances. Changes must be voted and wholly approved by the Executive; That there is a surplus or deficit of applicants; That there are too many applications which receive the same score (within Z points);

14.1.4 They, along with the President or the Vice President of Financial Affairs, will calculate the average of the scores of each member of the Scholarship Selection Committee in a timely fashion; Any recounting and recalculating will be done by the Vice President of University Affairs and the Vice President of Financial Affairs. A member of the Executive team is to be present to oversee the recounting process;

14.1.5 They are responsible for contacting, via their email address, all applicants. They are to be given 24 hours to do so, starting from the moment the decision was made. The Scholarship recipients should be notified prior to the awarding ceremony;

14.1.6 All members of the Executive are prohibited from applying to these scholarships during or after their term;

14.1.7 Any persons who have seen the PSAÉP Scholarship Grading Scale are strictly prohibited from applying to these scholarships;

14.1.8 No person may receive the PSAÉP Scholarship more than once.


15.1 The PSA should make use of the workshops made available by the UOSU services, including but not limited to Positive Space Training, Ally Training, Anti-O Training, and Active Listening, and ensure presentations of these workshops, and others that would be beneficial to achieving our mandate;

15.2 Promotional material for all events must include the following: “Accessibility accommodations will be made available upon request, to the best of the ability of the PSA”. A date by which the request must be made will be included on the material;

15.3 The Vice President of Social Affairs and the 101 Week Coordinator are to be allocated $160 each for food expenditures during the course of 101-Week. This money will be reimbursed provided that receipts and reimbursement forms are given to the Vice President of Financial Affairs.

15.4 All transition Reports should include the executive member’s provided budget range and approximate costs for all events and purchases;

15.5 The PSA will fund a transition activity between the former executive member team and the new elected team following the Spring Elections.