Career counselling for psychology students

This page outlines some known resources to help you discover possible career opportunities within the field of psychology.

If you really don't know what you want to undertake as a career, you can use tools such as career cruising to hone in on potential careers that match your interests and skills. 

The Career Development Centre (uOttawa)

The Career Development Centre is one of the many services that the university provides. The centre offers career counselling, job search tools, résumé and cover letter critiques, mock interviews and much more.

1. Log on to the SASS website

2. Go on the “Career Development” Tab

3. Select the “What can I do with my studies” option

4. Search away!



Canadian Psychological Association

The CPA has many resources for you to conduct your career research, planning and tips and facts on applying to graduate school. Check them out below and be sure to explore their website beyond these three pages.

and this very informative document provided by the CPA outlining how to plan your career in psychology which can be found here